Gatsby Benchmarks

'The Gatsby Foundation', founded by Minister David Sainsbury, works in a number of areas. Over the years they have recognised the importance of technical education pathways, leading to a focus on careers education, in order to support young people, their families and teachers.
In 2013, 'The Gatsby Foundation' commissioned Sir John Holman, to define benchmarks which can be used as a framework for schools and colleges to follow, to have a positive impact on the progression of young people.
The eight 'Gatsby Benchmarks' are used within Sir Charles Parsons School to ensure that our young people, regardless of ability, are given the opportunity to meet their potential. The benchmarks of good career guidance, are as follows:
  1. A stable careers programme - this is offered to all students through the curriculum that they receive.
  2. Learning from career and labour market information - students are given the opportunity to explore common jobs in the local area, in a manner appropriate to the young person's needs. 
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil - as well as curriculum learning being differentiated suitably to each students' need, students are able to access personalised learning programmes which further meet their needs.
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers - from year 7 subject staff highlight careers which are linked to their subject areas. From year 8 students access subjects which focus on developing employability skills.
  5. Encounters with employers and employees - students are given the opportunity to encounter a range of professionals in a range of environments, for example theatre or music groups visiting school, to visiting community facilities in the local area.
  6. Experiences of workplaces - from year 9 students are given the opportunity to explore internal work placements in school. Where appropriate, from year 11, students will access internal and external work placements.
  7. Encounters with further and higher education - from year 9 students are given the opportunity to take part in transition days to allow the young people to gain a  better understanding of the opportunities of life after school.
  8. Personal guidance - personalised guidance starts for students through the EHCP process. Following this careers guidance staff in school will work with young people and their families to provide suitable opportunities for them to further explore.
The document below gives a more in-depth look at how school is addressing the benchmarks.

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