
Careers Statement:


Our aspirations for all learners. “Enjoy, learn and achieve”


Our aim for all students across the school is to have meaningful encounters and experiences with a range of different people from both higher education provisions and industries to show case what work they do. We want our students to think about how they could apply their skills and knowledge to be part of the wider community. Our students should feel inspired by the experiences they encounter, to support their learning, development and understanding of preparation for adulthood and the world of work.


As an educational provider we want students to be supported to make informed decisions about their future options. For some this will be considering work life opportunities, to further develop their understanding of future career prospects. For others it will be to have new experiential opportunities to enable them to show preferences and make meaningful choices to develop their tolerance towards the unfamiliar.


As students end their time at Sir Charles Parsons we want them to be successful. Our aim is to support and equip them with the knowledge and skills to help them progress in the wider world and become a valued member of the community.


For further information use the link below to access our careers policy.

T. 0191 2952280