Key Stage 4 Courses

Courses Available at Key Stage 4


At Sir Charles Parsons School, we have created an inclusive culture in our school; providing successful and challenging learning that encompasses the diversity of our students’ backgrounds, interests, experiences, knowledge and skills. In addition, we provide high quality teaching to all learners taking into account and planning for individual’s specific needs.


We aim to ensure a flexible learning environment which meets the needs of all members of our school community. In Key Stage 4, staff continually monitor students’ progress in relation to their expected outcomes.  The curriculum is differentiated to allow all learners, regardless of their pathway, to gain recognised qualifications in a range of different subject and awarding bodies.


Students follow a range of courses, which include:


  • Art Award Explorer level.
  • Employability (Asdan) Entry level 2-3
  • Personal and Social Development (Asdan) Entry 1 - Entry 3
  • Personal Progress (Working towards Entry 1 - Entry 3)
  • Unit Award scheme (pre-entry level - entry level) Towards Independence.
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award (bronze)
  • AQA unit Award  in PE and Sport (experiential - pre-entry level)
  • AQA unit Award in Mathematics (experiential - pre-entry level)
  • AQA entry level Mathematics (Entry level 1,2,3)
  • OCR entry level 1 and 2 in Science.
  • AQA unit Award in Science (experiential - pre-entry)
  • AQA unit Award in Literacy (Entry level - Entry Level 1)
  • Enrichment - AQA unit Award  (experiential - pre-entry level)

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